Anglers –
July 6, 2019
This week the season’s first major hurricane developed and passed off to the west of the Baja Peninsulas, this system, Hurricane Barbara reached close to category five strength, luckily for everyone this storm followed a path far enough offshore to not cause any impact with land. We did feel an increase in humidity and ocean swells increased noticeably. Another significant weather factor was the strong south winds that picked up early in week, once again pushing in cooler greenish currents, dropping water temperatures into the 68 degree range. Now the winds have resided, but the damage has been done and we now have to patiently wait for conditions to rebound, which presently is a day to day process, now the water is starting to look a bit cleaner and is up to the 72/73 degree range.
Anglers were using caballito, moonfish mainly for bait, finding very tough fishing conditions all around. Surface action was extremely slim after Monday. Anglers that did work hard off of the bottom structure accounted for a mix of red snapper, Mexican bonito, cabrilla, triggerfish and amberjack, though this action was not consistent and changed daily. A handful of quality fish were taken, we saw amberjack and roosterfish to over 40 lb., also one nice grouper of about 70 lb., though most charters averaged just a handful of fish in combination. Anglers were using various baits, as well as yo-yo jigs for this action off of the rocky high spots.
The action for tuna, dorado and billfish came to standstill due to the green cold water, though the week started off with a few marlin being found, one blue marlin of an estimated 250 lb. was released, and a scattering of striped marlin were also accounted for. We do expect for conditions to rebound quickly and then we anticipate much improved action.
Along the shoreline it was the roosterfish and jack crevalle that were dominated the action, though this bite also became very difficult in the turned over conditions.
The combined sportfishing fleet launching out of the panga area from Puerto Los Cabos Marina sent out an estimated 53 charters for the week and anglers reported an approximate fish count of: 3 striped marlin, 1 blue marlin, 1 dorado, 2 yellowfin tuna, 2 broomtail grouper, 8 leopard grouper, 1 gulf grouper, 125 Mexican bonito, 32 red snapper, 5 yellow snapper, 15 amberjack, 26 roosterfish, 22 jack crevalle and 45 triggerfish.
Good Fishing, Eric