February 5, 2023
The start of a new month, as usual February can be one of the more unpredictable times of the year, often we see persistent cycles of north winds, as well as the coolest conditions of the year. These factors also contribute to cold ocean temperatures that push in green currents. Many of the popular warmer water game fish migrate south during this period, this is a transition period, as other species which do prefer cooler conditions move in. This is definitely the peak season for whale migration, but other fish species are in transition and reports can change quickly from week to week as to what is going on. We have seen water temperature from 67 to 71 degrees this past week and the green water is gradually pushing in from Los Frailes towards San Jose del Cabo.
Bait supplies have become increasingly scattered as well, sardinas have pretty much vanished this past week, as have mackerel and sardineta. Main bait being offered now has been ballyhoo, slabs of squid and some frozen mackerel, seems that with each passing season bait is not holding up to local supply demands.
Local sportfishing fleets are mainly concentrating efforts on the grounds from the Gordo Banks to Iman Bank. Overall action was much tougher this past week, crowds of anglers were noticeably lighter as well, Trying to choose an ideal day for nice ocean conditions can be a hit or miss proposition during this time frame.
Despite cooling and not so favorable ocean conditions there still have been some dorado being found, trolling various lures or ballyhoo has been best bet for this, scattered throughout the region in small schools, with average sizes being 15 lb. or less. We did see one wahoo wahoo brought in mid-week, a seemingly lost fish, as most of these pelagics have followed warmer currents south at this time.
Billfish action is still very strong on the Pacific grounds and late to show in the direction of the Sea of Cortez, proving that every year can vary greatly. Last year during this same time frame the striped marlin action was going crazy on the grounds near the Gordo Banks. Bottom action has not really come on yet, nothing consistent, lack of consistent bait supplies a major factor, deeper grounds where yo-yo jigging is often done, has been hard with strong winds creating rough seas. Times are tough now, nothing usual for this time of year, but spring time will be here soon and things always turn around then.
On the Iman Bank there still has been chances at hooking into a quality yellowfin tuna, the few fish being accounted for have been in the 30 to 80 lb. range. Striking while drift fishing with strips of squid. Late in the season now for this action and also hit or miss with north wind cycles. Over the weekend conditions did lay down and more of these tuna were hooked up. The key was patience and persistence and to have plenty of squid for bait, drifting and chumming was the technique, some days the better action was encountered early, other days late, some days nothing at all. Same grounds have produced some miscellaneous bottom action for species such as leopard grouper, yellow snapper, barred pargo and smaller sized amberjack and bonito. We do anticipate to see improved bottom structure fishing soon.
Along the shoreline there has been limited sierra action, lack of sardinas is a set back for this option as well. Trolling with small hoochies is the main deal now for targeting inshore.
Good Fishing, Eric