Anglers –
June 1, 2019
As we near the start of the summer season we are now enjoying the ideal climate, early morning cloud cover, burning off as sun comes up, breeze mostly out of the north, though also switching from the south and high temperatures in the lower 80s. Only moderate crowds now, so it is the perfect to visit. Ocean conditions are cold on the Pacific, though in the direction of San Jose del Cabo and to the north we have seen clean blue currents of 74 to 78 degrees.
Main baitfish now found in the local marina area have been moonfish and mullet, ballyhoo are another option, as well as slabs of squid. Charters are working the fishing grounds from Red Hill, Palmilla, Gordo Banks, Iman, San Luis and to Vinorama. Most consistent catches have come from bottom structure, red snapper and Mexican bonito most numerous, using iron yo-yo style jigs, also drifting baits down deep has producing some quality catches. A handful of grouper species and amberjack were accounted for, some over 30 lb.
Early in the week there was limited action for yellowfin tuna found on the San Luis Bank, tuna to over 80 lb. were landed, while drift with strips of squid, this action faded during the week, though the yellowfin were still seen at times showing on the surface, just not all that interested in biting, but with the conditions becoming more favorable, anything could happen on any given day. Other tuna were found further offshore traveling with porpoise, this was a hit or miss deal from day to day and these fish were much smaller, mostly under 20 lb.
We have not seen dorado now for some time, though this week a few were hooked into while trolling open waters on the marlin grounds, so we are hoping to see more of these popular gamefish move in.
There have been increasing numbers of striped marlin now on the local grounds, spread out from outside the Gordo Banks, La Laguna, straight off of San Jose del Cabo and outside of Palmilla, anywhere from 4 to 10 miles out, There were marlin that hit on trolled lures and various baitfish, we look for this action to break wide open in coming weeks. Most of the stripers are now in the 80 to 100 lb. range.
There were stronger swells pounding the shoreline, though the few charters that did try closer in did report some action for roosterfish and jack crevalle, trolling with live mullet seemed to work best for this action. We also look for this bite to really break wide open in coming weeks, as this is always the local peak season for roosterfish in the alter part of June. Please remember that these game fish should be released with care, they are prized fighting fish, not known for eating quality and grow to large sizes, better to protect them for future generations.
The combined sportfishing fleet launching out of the panga area from Puerto Los Cabos Marina reported an estimated 74 charters for the week and anglers reported an approximate fish count of: 2 dorado, 14 striped marlin, 6 yellowfin tuna, 2 dogtooth snapper, 12 leopard grouper, 1 broomtail grouper, 170 Mexican bonito, 58 red snapper, 4 yellow snapper, 13 amberjack, 10 glasseye pargo, 12 Pacific golden eyed tile fish, 14 roosterfish, 4 jack crevalle and 70 triggerfish.
Good Fishing, Eric